Why The Jews?

Friday, March 22nd, 2024

The question is why the Jews are the only people who have faced genocide throughout history. The answer is simple. The Jews represent a morality from God. And many people do not want to be moral. Share on Facebook

Don’t Be a Normal Nation

Monday, July 24th, 2023

The first of the Ten Commandments is that God took us out of Egypt. One of the thoughts is that we were not taken out of Egypt to be a normal nation but to be a light until the other nations. Share on Facebook

Prepare the Next Generation

Wednesday, June 7th, 2023

Moses has to teach Joshua an important lesson in this week’s portion. That if you want a future of the Jewish people then you have to prepare the future leaders to take their positions. Otherwise, there will be no next generation. Share on Facebook

Be A Part of the Community

Friday, June 2nd, 2023

The Torah stresses that we are a part of the community. The fact that even someone who lives off charity is required to tithe is important. We are all responsible for the upkeep of the community. Share on Facebook

True Jewish Heritage

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023

The Museum of Jewish Heritage, a Living Memorial to the Holocaust is an important venue but it gives the wrong message. The true heritage of the Jewish people is when we behave as Jews and keep the commandments that were given us at Mt. Sinai. Share on Facebook

We Are On A Mission From God

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

God took us out of Egypt with a plan. We are to be a light unto the nations. That they should learn from us what a Godly society should be. Share on Facebook

The Ritual Keeps Us

Thursday, March 16th, 2023

The reason that we have so much detail in the Torah about building the Tabernacle is that people need ritual in order to remember. As has been observed, more than the Jews have kept Shabbat, the Shabbat has kept the Jews. Share on Facebook

Do Not Pervert Judgement

Thursday, February 16th, 2023

The Torah admonishes judges to be upright and follow the law, even when the majority want it to do otherwise. The worst thing that can happen to a society of that there is no justice. Share on Facebook

The Basis of a Good Society

Friday, February 10th, 2023

The 5th Commandment is more than good advice. It is pointing out that the basis of a good society is the two parent family. Without which society would fall apart. Share on Facebook

Taking God’s Name in Vain

Wednesday, February 8th, 2023

The most common understanding of the Commandment of not taking God’s Name in vain is that we should not swear falsely. Another understanding is that we should not do commit a crime in His Name. Share on Facebook

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