Do Not Pervert Judgement

Thursday, February 16th, 2023

The Torah admonishes judges to be upright and follow the law, even when the majority want it to do otherwise. The worst thing that can happen to a society of that there is no justice. Share on Facebook

Seeking a Just Society

Friday, September 2nd, 2022

פרשת שופטים / ו’ באלול תשפ”ב The Torah states “Justice, Justice you will seek.” Note that it does not say “you will do justice only that you will seek it. This means that while we are imperfect humans and will make mistakes, we will do our best to bring justice. Share on Facebook

Don’t Judge the Judges

Wednesday, June 1st, 2022

פרשת במדבר / ב’ בסיון תשפ”ב – מ”ו בעומר The Book of Ruth begins the story with the statement “In the days when the Judges judged. The Hebrew, though, can be read as “In the days when the Judges were judged.” The meaning is clear. Every decision that the Judges made was criticized. In a […]

Why Did the Blasphemer Blaspheme?

Thursday, May 12th, 2022

פרשת אמור / י”א באייר תשפ”ב – כ”ו בעומר The reason given that the man blasphemed was that he got into a fight with another Jew over a Jewish legal issue. They took the case to Moses’s court. Moses gave the ruling that he was wrong. He could not accept the verdict. That is why […]

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