Archive for the 'Temple Service' Category

You Have to Earn It

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

The big mistake that Aaron’s sons made was that they assumed that they would inherit the status of their father without having earned it. This is to teach us that just because your parents are great does not mean that you will be. You have to earn it. Share on Facebook

Words Have Meanings

Friday, July 21st, 2023

The Temple was destroyed due to baseless hatred of Jew against Jew. The cause of baseless hatred is the abuse of accusations. When a person is accused of behavior that he is not guilty of he will react. And not in the manner that the accuser expects. Share on Facebook

Priestly Blessings

Tuesday, May 30th, 2023

The Priestly Blessings mentioned in this week’s portion are the basics on societal norms. We ask for God’s blessing, then for wisdom and finally for peace. The fact is that without peace none of the rest matter but peace at any price is not worth it either. Share on Facebook

We All Have To Serve

Tuesday, May 16th, 2023

When taking a census of the Jews in the wilderness the Tribe of Levi is not counted with the rest. The reason is that they are singled out for a special mission. They are to be the spiritual leaders of the people. That is why they were spread out among the people. Share on Facebook

An Observant Jew is an Observed Jew

Sunday, April 30th, 2023

The Torah states that a priest in the Temple has to be unblemished both physically and spiritually. This is because he represents the Jewish people to God and God to the Jewish people. Share on Facebook

How To Become Holy

Monday, April 24th, 2023

The Book of Leviticus tells us about the Temple service. Yet it suddenly takes a detour to discuss societal issues. What we are being told is that the Temple is just a building unless we behave correctly toward our fellow man. Share on Facebook

We Celebrate With Friends

Monday, April 3rd, 2023

Any thanksgiving offering that we bring is too much for one person to consume. Yet it has to be consumed by the end of the day. This forces us to bring our friends to celebrate. This shows that the Pascal Sacrifice is also a Thanksgiving offering. Share on Facebook

We Are United by Passover

Friday, March 31st, 2023

The Seder stresses the idea that there will always be those who wish to destroy us. That the defense against these threats is our unity. Share on Facebook

Be The Right Man For the Job

Monday, March 27th, 2023

The Torah first tells us what to do and then announces who will be the High Priest. This is to teach us that more important than who is doing the service, that the service should be done correctly. Share on Facebook

Leaders Are Accountable

Friday, March 24th, 2023

There were special offerings given by the leaders if they inadvertently made a mistake, both the religious leaders as well as the religious. The reason is that people will base their decisions on what they do and say. Share on Facebook

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