Natural Redemption

Wednesday, January 10th, 2024

All the plagues in Egypt could be explained scientifically. This ties in with the concept of natural redemption. Nothing seems abnormal until you realize that there has been a change in the world. Share on Facebook

Don’t Follow the Crowd

Tuesday, June 13th, 2023

Joshua & Caleb did not follow the conventional wisdom of the other scouts. They were outliers in their views. Yet they were correct in their analysis while the others were not. This is to teach that it is the outliers who advance ideas, not those who follow the crowd. Share on Facebook

Israel Independence Day

Wednesday, April 26th, 2023

No matter how we count the Omer, Israel Independence Day falls in the middle of the mourning period. This is no accident. Israel Independence Day is the atonement for the sins committed by Rebbe Akiva’s students during the Bar-Kochba Revolt. Share on Facebook

Believe in God & Yourself

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022

פרשת דברים / ה’ באב תשפ”ב The sin of the spies is recounted in this week’s portion. The real sin that they committed was twofold. The lacked faith in God being able to help them in conquering the Land of Israel and they lacked faith in themselves. Share on Facebook

The American Roots of Israel

Monday, July 4th, 2022

פרשת חקת / ה’ בתמוז תשפ”ב When the Vilna Gaon (d. 1797) read the American Constitution, he was convinced that the redemption was beginning. Article 6 states that there be no religious test to hold office in the US. This meant that Jews were full and equal citizens of the country. This was unheard of […]

The Miracles of Jerusalem Day

Sunday, May 29th, 2022

פרשת במדבר / כ”ח באייר תשפ”ב – מ”ג בעומר Today is the anniversary of the Liberation of Jerusalem in 1967. For Jews this was an open miracle. There were many miracles during the 6 Day War and Jerusalem’s liberation was the high point. The question is do we recognize it when God performs miracles for […]

The Vilna Gaon Predicted Israel

Friday, May 27th, 2022

פרשת בחוקותי / כ”ו באייר תשפ”ב – מ”א בעמר The Vilna Gaon, who died in 1797, predicted that two dates would be important in the future, the 18th Day of the Omer, (that is the 5th of Iyar), and the 28th of Iyar. Today we recognize these days as Israel Independence Day and Jerusalem Day. […]

The Miracle of Israel

Thursday, May 5th, 2022

פרשת קדושים – י”ט בעומר / ד’ באייר תשפ”ב Today we celebrate the independence of the State of Israel. Of all the countries that have come into being since WWII Israel is the only one whose achievement of Independence can be considered a miracle. It is up to us to recognized this. Share on Facebook

Israel Memborial Day

Wednesday, May 4th, 2022

פרשת קדושים – י”ח בעומר / ג’ באייר תשפ”ב Today we remember the fallen defenders of the State of Israel. For those of us who served in combat and lost close friends it is emotional. If you think that war can be cheap and inexpensive, speak to a widow or orphan. They pay the full […]

Holiness in the Center

Monday, October 11th, 2021

ה’ בחשוון תשפ”ב / October 11, 2021 Abraham is sent on a holy mission to be at the center of the ancient world. This so that others may learn from him. Share on Facebook

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