Being Responsible for Our Actions

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023

The sin offering is brought for an unintentional sin. That is something that happened but was not intended. It is not an accident but it caused damage either spiritually or physically. We are still responsible for our actions. Share on Facebook

Overcome Your Flaws

Thursday, September 22nd, 2022

פרשת ניצבים / כ”ו באלול תשפ”ב It is interesting to note that it is not enough for one to say that they are sorry for their sins. They have to first recognize their mistake and repent for it. The apology has to be heartfelt. That all our Biblical leaders were flawed but they overcame their […]

How To Avoid Sin

Thursday, September 15th, 2022

פרשת כי תבוא / י:ט באלול תשפ”ב In Pirkei Avot it states that we should know three things to avoid sin: Know where you came from, a putrid drop; know where you are going, a place of worms; and before whom you will be judged, the Holy One blesssed be He. To teach us that […]

The Easiest Way Not to Sin

Tuesday, September 14th, 2021

ח’ בתשרי תשפ”ב / September 14, 2021 The easiest not to sin is to do nothing. Is that what God really wants? Share on Facebook

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