Archive for the 'Repentance' Category

Actions Have Consequenes

Sunday, June 4th, 2023

Miriam meant well when she commented to her brother Aaron her concern that Moses seemed to be neglecting his wife. Though she meant well she was punished for the sin of malicious gossip. Meaning well is not enough. Your actions matter. Share on Facebook

Betrayal of Society

Thursday, June 1st, 2023

Marriage is the basis of society. When there is suspicion that the wife is betraying her husband but there is no proof then the Torah proscribes the ritual of the Mei Sotah, Waters of Contrition. This is to find out the truth and, if possible to save the marriage. Share on Facebook

Punishment in the Torah

Wednesday, May 31st, 2023

In the view of the Torah a thief has to repay his victim for what he has stolen. Just sitting in jail is not enough. He caused damage to the victim and until the victim has forgiven him, he is not forgiven. Share on Facebook

Bring Responsible

Thursday, May 11th, 2023

The reason for a Jew to become a slave is that he is not able to pay his debts. But the Torah demands that he be set free in the 7th year. If he chooses to remain a slave he is punished because the Torah wants us to be free. Share on Facebook

Leaders Are Accountable

Friday, March 24th, 2023

There were special offerings given by the leaders if they inadvertently made a mistake, both the religious leaders as well as the religious. The reason is that people will base their decisions on what they do and say. Share on Facebook

Being Responsible for Our Actions

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023

The sin offering is brought for an unintentional sin. That is something that happened but was not intended. It is not an accident but it caused damage either spiritually or physically. We are still responsible for our actions. Share on Facebook

True Repentance

Friday, December 30th, 2022

When Judah confronts Joseph concerning Banjamin Joseph realizes that Judah has repented for his earlier actions. It is not enough to say “sorry”, you have to show through your actions that you have repented. Share on Facebook

Leadership Has to Be Earned

Tuesday, December 13th, 2022

Reuben should have been the leader of the brothers but failed. He meant well but was lacking in judgement. Judah will become the leader due to his judgement. Share on Facebook

The Imperfection of Joseph

Monday, December 12th, 2022

In this week’s portion we see that Joseph is Jacob’s favorite son. Joseph flaunts his status in front of his brothers. He will have to learn humility the hard way. Share on Facebook

Admonish the Sinner with Kindness

Monday, October 24th, 2022

פרשת נח / כ”ט בתשרי תשפ”ג The Dimensions of the Ark were 30 x 300 x 50 which equal the numerical value of lashon (ל=30ת ש=300ת ן=50) meaning tongue or language. This was to teach Noah that he had to admonish the people to repent from their ways. Share on Facebook

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