Own Up to Your Actions

Friday, October 21st, 2022

פרשת בראשית / כ”ו בתשרי תשפ”ג The reason for the punishment of Adam & Eve was not that they had violated God’s one commandment. It was that they denied culpability. Share on Facebook

You Are Responsible

Wednesday, September 7th, 2022

פרשת כי תצא / י”א באלול תשפ”ב The Torah admonishes us not to blame the father for the son’s sins and not to blame the son for the father’s sins. This underscores a major concept that we are responsible for our own actions. Not to blame others. Share on Facebook

The 10 Martyrs & the Sale of Joseph

Thursday, August 4th, 2022

פרשת דברים / ז’ באב תשפ”ב On the 9thof Av we recall the story of the 10 rabbis murdered by the Romans. The reason that the Romans give for why they murdered the 10 rabbis is the sale of Joseph by the brothers. What is interesting is that this was a sin of man against […]

Sins against our Fellow

Thursday, September 9th, 2021

ג’ בתשרי תשפ”ב / September 9, 2021 Share on Facebook

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