Be The Right Man For the Job

Monday, March 27th, 2023

The Torah first tells us what to do and then announces who will be the High Priest. This is to teach us that more important than who is doing the service, that the service should be done correctly. Share on Facebook

What is the Tabernacle For

Sunday, March 19th, 2023

We finish the Book of Exodus with the completion of the building of the Tabernacle. We start the Book of Leviticus with how to use this building. The use of the building is what makes it special, not its beauty. Share on Facebook

The Ritual Keeps Us

Thursday, March 16th, 2023

The reason that we have so much detail in the Torah about building the Tabernacle is that people need ritual in order to remember. As has been observed, more than the Jews have kept Shabbat, the Shabbat has kept the Jews. Share on Facebook

Why All The Rules

Wednesday, March 15th, 2023

The Torah goes into detail about everything in the building of the Tabernacle. Why? To avoid misinterpretation by the artist. Share on Facebook

The Importance of Shabbat

Tuesday, March 14th, 2023

The Torah stresses that keeping Shabbat is more important that building the Tabernacle. That if we do not keep Shabbat then what is the Tabernacle for? Share on Facebook

Clothes Make the Man

Sunday, February 26th, 2023

The Torah spends a lot of time describing how the Priests in the Taberbernacle should dress. The reason is what they represent. They represent God to the people and the people to God. Share on Facebook

Shabbat is Holier than the Tabernacle

Friday, February 24th, 2023

The pasha ends with an admonishment to the Jews that the observance of Shabbat overrides the building of the Tabernacle. This is to teach us that as important as the Tabernacle was, without observance of Shabbat it is meaningless. Share on Facebook

Where is God?

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023

This was a question asked by the Kotzker Rebbe in the 19th Century. The answer is wherever you let Him in. God wants to enter the world, but we have to let Him in by our actions. Share on Facebook

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