Archive for the 'Torah' Category

Preparing To Be A Free Nation

Thursday, May 16th, 2024

The Torah refers to Passover as the holiday of Matzot. The reason is to teach us that leaving Egypt was the first step to becoming a nation. We had to learn what it means to be free. Share on Facebook

You Have to Earn It

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

The big mistake that Aaron’s sons made was that they assumed that they would inherit the status of their father without having earned it. This is to teach us that just because your parents are great does not mean that you will be. You have to earn it. Share on Facebook

Unity in Our National Mission

Sunday, January 14th, 2024

The Torah uses the singular verb when Moses and Aaron we commanded to go to Pharaoh. This is to teach us that whatever our disagreements among ourselves we have to be united when facing our foes. Share on Facebook

Getting Egypt Out Of The Jews

Tuesday, January 9th, 2024

The hardest job that Moses had was getting Egypt out of the Jews. The problem was that many of the Jews loved Egyptian culture. God wanted the Jews to reject that culture for the Torah. Share on Facebook

Miracles Are Not Unnatural

Monday, January 8th, 2024

All the miracles that happened in Egypt could be explained naturally. This is because a miracle is an event that happens when you need it to happen. Life is a miracle in of itself. Share on Facebook

What’s In A Name?

Friday, January 5th, 2024

The name Hebrew is a derogatory name for the Jews. The reason is that the goal of enslaving the Jews was to destroy them. Thus it is the same throughout our history. First they will denigrate the Jews and then murder the Jews. Share on Facebook

Know Before Whom You Are Standing

Thursday, January 4th, 2024

Moses was admonished at the burning bush to know before whom he was standing. This was also an admonishment to remember that he would be speaking to slaves would not really be interested in long speeches. They wanted their freedom. Share on Facebook

Listen To Your Elders

Sunday, December 31st, 2023

The reason that the tribe of Levi was not enslaved was that Levi was still alive when Pharaoh succeeded in fooling the Jews. Levi, though saw through Pharaoh’s plot and told his descendants not to be fooled. Share on Facebook

Don’t Follow the Crowd

Tuesday, June 13th, 2023

Joshua & Caleb did not follow the conventional wisdom of the other scouts. They were outliers in their views. Yet they were correct in their analysis while the others were not. This is to teach that it is the outliers who advance ideas, not those who follow the crowd. Share on Facebook

The Hubris of Power

Monday, June 12th, 2023

The problems of the scouts that Moses sent was that they were the leaders of the tribes. They felt that they would lose power if they gave a good report. That is why they sabotaged the whole effort. Share on Facebook

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