We Have to Earn It

Sunday, June 11th, 2023

The reason that Moses was commanded to send the scouts to scout out the Land was because we have a partnership with God. God will help us but He wants us to also have a part in the process. We have to earn the miracle. Share on Facebook

Taking Responsibility

Wednesday, May 24th, 2023

One of the themes of the Book of Ruth is taking responsibility. Both, if one is a leader or a common person, we are responsible for doing the right thing. Share on Facebook

Don’t Rely on Others

Friday, February 3rd, 2023

One of the problems with the Jews was that they were used to having all of their needs taken care of. One of the lessons of the Torah was that we should not rely only of God but have to work to take care of ourselves. That is what freedom really means. Share on Facebook

Admonish the Sinner with Kindness

Monday, October 24th, 2022

פרשת נח / כ”ט בתשרי תשפ”ג The Dimensions of the Ark were 30 x 300 x 50 which equal the numerical value of lashon (ל=30ת ש=300ת ן=50) meaning tongue or language. This was to teach Noah that he had to admonish the people to repent from their ways. Share on Facebook

You Are Responsible

Wednesday, September 7th, 2022

פרשת כי תצא / י”א באלול תשפ”ב The Torah admonishes us not to blame the father for the son’s sins and not to blame the son for the father’s sins. This underscores a major concept that we are responsible for our own actions. Not to blame others. Share on Facebook

Assume People Will Do Stupid Things

Tuesday, September 6th, 2022

פרשת כי תצא / י’ באלול תשפ”ב One of the commandments this week is that we are required to put a fence around the roof of a building. We do this because we assume that a person will go up on the roof and fall off. Our job to prevent, as much as possible people […]

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