Unity in Our National Mission

Sunday, January 14th, 2024

The Torah uses the singular verb when Moses and Aaron we commanded to go to Pharaoh. This is to teach us that whatever our disagreements among ourselves we have to be united when facing our foes. Share on Facebook

What’s In A Name?

Friday, January 5th, 2024

The name Hebrew is a derogatory name for the Jews. The reason is that the goal of enslaving the Jews was to destroy them. Thus it is the same throughout our history. First they will denigrate the Jews and then murder the Jews. Share on Facebook

Fear God More Than Man

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024

When the midwives in Egypt get the order to murder all male Jewish babies they resist. The Torah states that they fear God more than Pharaoh. Fearing God will get you to do the right thing. Share on Facebook

The True Plague of Darkness

Tuesday, January 24th, 2023

The plague of darkness was much more than three days of darkness. According to the Torah, Egypt was a land of darkness while the Jews, if they follow the Torah are in light. Share on Facebook

Judging Pharaoh

Wednesday, January 18th, 2023

Pharaoh presented himself as a god. His authority was based on this. When it was proven that he was not a god he lost his authority. Share on Facebook

Pharaoh’s True Punishment

Sunday, January 15th, 2023

The true punishment of Pharaoh was the taking away his free will. Free will is one of the things that separates humans from animals. By removing this Pharaoh was being made into an animal. Share on Facebook

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