Being Nice is Not Enough

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024

When Moses saw the Egyptian taskmaster beating the Jew, he looked around and did not see another man. This is to teach us to do the right thing even if it isn’t the nice thing. Share on Facebook

Be A Part of the Community

Friday, June 2nd, 2023

The Torah stresses that we are a part of the community. The fact that even someone who lives off charity is required to tithe is important. We are all responsible for the upkeep of the community. Share on Facebook

We Are On A Mission From God

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

God took us out of Egypt with a plan. We are to be a light unto the nations. That they should learn from us what a Godly society should be. Share on Facebook

Take a Stand

Thursday, March 2nd, 2023

In the story of the Book of Esther all the action revolves around the fact that Mordechai refuses to bow down to Haman. What frustrated Haman was the opposition of Mordechai. That Mordechai stood against evil. Share on Facebook

Justice Needs to be Blind

Friday, February 17th, 2023

The Torah admonishes judges not to take social status in consideration when rendering a judgement. Neither the person’s wealth nor poverty. All are equal before the Torah. Share on Facebook

Do Not Pervert Judgement

Thursday, February 16th, 2023

The Torah admonishes judges to be upright and follow the law, even when the majority want it to do otherwise. The worst thing that can happen to a society of that there is no justice. Share on Facebook

Slaves Cannot Serve God Fully

Wednesday, February 15th, 2023

If a slave states that he prefers slavery to freedom, he is punished. This is to teach us that slavery is not the normal state of a person. God wants us to be free people. Share on Facebook

Joseph’s Message to Jacob

Wednesday, December 28th, 2022

When Jacob was told that Joseph was alive, he did not believe it until he saw the wagons. Why did they make a difference? Share on Facebook

Leaders Need a Moral Compass

Wednesday, December 14th, 2022

The reason that Judah became a great leader was that he had a moral compass. And when he was wrong he admitted it. Share on Facebook

Seeking a Just Society

Friday, September 2nd, 2022

פרשת שופטים / ו’ באלול תשפ”ב The Torah states “Justice, Justice you will seek.” Note that it does not say “you will do justice only that you will seek it. This means that while we are imperfect humans and will make mistakes, we will do our best to bring justice. Share on Facebook

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