The Source of Evil
Thursday, March 30th, 2023In the Seder we are admonished to set the teeth of the wicked son on edge. The reason is that the source of his being wicked are the words that he abuses. Share on Facebook
A Lesson in Bad Governance
Friday, March 3rd, 2023The story of Purim tells us that the real danger to the Jewish people is not people who are evil. We can find them easily enough, but of leaders who are venal and corruptible. Without them the evil doers do not have a chance to do evil. Share on Facebook
To Stand Up to Evil
Tuesday, July 26th, 2022פרשת מטות-מסעי / כ”ז תמוז תשפ”ב After the initial retaliation against Midian Moses reprimands the Jewish officers for allowing the women to live. To understand this, we have to remember that the women were willing participants in the sins committed by the Jewish men that led to the war. That is why they had to […]
The Power of Evil Speech
Friday, April 8th, 2022פרשת מצורע / ז’ בניסן תשפ”ב The Torah stresses how bad lashon Hara, evil speech is. One could make the case that it is the root of much evil in the world. People do not realize the damage they can do with their speech. Share on Facebook