The Abuse of Language

By Shlomo Bar-Ayal ~ July 18th, 2010 @ 7:37 pm
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When I was in high school I got arrested at an illegal demonstration.

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4 Responses to The Abuse of Language

  1. Rabba bar bar Chana

    Take the recent NAACP attack on the Tea Party movement. They make the accusation that the Tea Party movement is inherently racist.

    Actually, they did no such thing. They decried elements of racism within the Tea Party movement and the lack of clear condemnation of those elements, which is a far cry from saying that the “movement is inherently racist”.

    And they are absolutely right.

  2. Shlomo Bar-Ayal

    So I guess that when NAACP President Ben Jealous says that the Tea Party is a direct genetic descendant of the White Citizens Councel he was not speaking for the organizatin that he represents.

    But more to the point. If you have ever been to a demonstration, and I do not care what type, there are always small groups that try to hitch hike on the main group with their own brand of lunacy.

    I have yet to hear anyone in the NAACP denounce Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson or any other race baiters out there. I have heard Tea Party people denounce racists, both in their midsts and out.

  3. Magda Cornford

    Thank you for the lovely post, even though it did take quite a large time to read. (English is not my first tongue) Can I ask where you got your information from? Thanks!

  4. Shlomo Bar-Ayal

    The facts are taken from the usual sources. Since I do not have a graduate degree I do not read into statements that are not there. I accept an absurd statement for what it is.

    As to your English, It seems to be quite good.


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