Archive for the 'Citizenship' Category

An Observant Jew is an Observed Jew

Sunday, April 30th, 2023

The Torah states that a priest in the Temple has to be unblemished both physically and spiritually. This is because he represents the Jewish people to God and God to the Jewish people. Share on Facebook

Israel Independence Day

Wednesday, April 26th, 2023

No matter how we count the Omer, Israel Independence Day falls in the middle of the mourning period. This is no accident. Israel Independence Day is the atonement for the sins committed by Rebbe Akiva’s students during the Bar-Kochba Revolt. Share on Facebook

How To Become Holy

Monday, April 24th, 2023

The Book of Leviticus tells us about the Temple service. Yet it suddenly takes a detour to discuss societal issues. What we are being told is that the Temple is just a building unless we behave correctly toward our fellow man. Share on Facebook

Being Responsible for Our Actions

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023

The sin offering is brought for an unintentional sin. That is something that happened but was not intended. It is not an accident but it caused damage either spiritually or physically. We are still responsible for our actions. Share on Facebook

A Lesson in Bad Governance

Friday, March 3rd, 2023

The story of Purim tells us that the real danger to the Jewish people is not people who are evil. We can find them easily enough, but of leaders who are venal and corruptible. Without them the evil doers do not have a chance to do evil. Share on Facebook

Clothes Make the Man

Sunday, February 26th, 2023

The Torah spends a lot of time describing how the Priests in the Taberbernacle should dress. The reason is what they represent. They represent God to the people and the people to God. Share on Facebook

Slaves Cannot Serve God Fully

Wednesday, February 15th, 2023

If a slave states that he prefers slavery to freedom, he is punished. This is to teach us that slavery is not the normal state of a person. God wants us to be free people. Share on Facebook

Even Moses Had His Limits

Monday, February 6th, 2023

When Jethro comes to visit his son in law, Moses, he gives him the advice to delegate responsibilities. He does not have to carry the full burden on himself. Share on Facebook

Don’t Rely on Others

Friday, February 3rd, 2023

One of the problems with the Jews was that they were used to having all of their needs taken care of. One of the lessons of the Torah was that we should not rely only of God but have to work to take care of ourselves. That is what freedom really means. Share on Facebook

God Wants Action From Us

Wednesday, January 25th, 2023

The reason for the Pascal Sacrifice before the plague of the killing of the first born was that God wanted to see that the Jews were willing to take action for their freedom. Share on Facebook

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