Archive for January, 2025
Jacob’s Blessing
Wednesday, January 8th, 2025Before his death, Jacob blesses his sons and gives us insight on the future of the Jewish people. Especially Judah. He notes that the royalty will stem from Judah. We have to remember that Judah’s name infers that we should be humble before God. Especially our leaders. Share on Facebook
A Parent’s True Life
Tuesday, January 7th, 2025The portion hints at the love of a parent by pointing out that Jacob only truly lived the 34 years he was with Joseph. 17 before Joseph was sold into slavery and the 17 years Jacob lived in Egypt. Share on Facebook
Don’t Be Influenced By Others
Monday, January 6th, 2025Jacob makes a special effort to bless Joseph’s sons because they were born and raised in the capital of Egypt. Joseph was able to raise them so that they were not influenced by Egyptian culture. Share on Facebook
Leadership is Not Inherited
Sunday, January 5th, 2025Jacob blesses Ephriam over Menashe, even though Menashe is the oldest. This is to teach that leadership is earned, not given, Just because one is the son of a leader, does not mean that they will inherit the leadership. They have to earn it. Share on Facebook
Choose a Good Neighborhood
Friday, January 3rd, 2025When the family arrives in Egypt Joseph has them settle in Goshen, away from the center of Egyptian society. He does this so that they can build a Jewish society without the Egyptian culture affecting them. Share on Facebook
What’s In A Name?
Thursday, January 2nd, 2025Greek culture regarded beauty above all, regardless of behavior. The torah emphasized moral and ethical behavior about all else. It is not surprising that the two would eventually clash. Share on Facebook
Saying Halel on Hanukah
Wednesday, January 1st, 2025Halel is a prayer that we recite on days that we acknowledge God’s help. We say it on Hanukah, Israel Independence Day and Jerusalem but on Purim. The reason is that at the end of the story of Purim our status did not change, we simply survived. On the other days our status changed. Share […]