Archive for December, 2024
Struggle With Faith
Sunday, December 8th, 2024Share on Facebook
Do The Right Thing
Friday, December 6th, 2024Rachel steals her father’s idols since she does not want to be an idolator. Her intentions were good, but the act of stealing is wrong. This is why she was punished. Share on Facebook
Stay Away From Bad Neighbors
Thursday, December 5th, 2024Jacob sees that he is becoming like Laban. He realizes that this is dangerous to his spiritual being. His solution is to escape from Laban and return to his parents, who will make sure that his moral compass is pointing true north. Share on Facebook
Struggling With Faith
Wednesday, December 4th, 2024Jacob, Rachel and Leah all have to struggle with their faith. Jacob in his dealings with his unscrupulous father-in-law. Leah with the fact that she is not loved by Jacob and Rachel with being barren. They all overcome their struggles due to their faith in God. Share on Facebook
We Are All Necessary
Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024Each of the sons of Jacob are named and each name has a meaning. This is to teach us that each individual bring something to the table that is unique to them. Share on Facebook
Honesty in Business Wins
Monday, December 2nd, 2024Jacob was living the life of a Yeshiva student. Suddenly he is thrown into the business world and has to deal with a dishonest businessman, his father-in-law. In the end he succeeds since he knows the tricks but can defeat Leban honestly. Share on Facebook
We Are Here
Sunday, December 1st, 2024In Jacob’s dream he sees angels ascending and descending a ladder. The angels represent the nations of the world and Jacob understands the dream to mean that while many nations will rise and fall, the Jewish people will continue to exist. Share on Facebook