Archive for the 'Leadership' Category

Judging Pharaoh

Wednesday, January 18th, 2023

Pharaoh presented himself as a god. His authority was based on this. When it was proven that he was not a god he lost his authority. Share on Facebook

God’s Hand in the World

Monday, January 16th, 2023

All the plagues in Egypt could be explained as happening through natural means. The fact that Pharaoh could not understand that it was the hand of God tells us the real problem in Egypt. Share on Facebook

Pharaoh’s True Punishment

Sunday, January 15th, 2023

The true punishment of Pharaoh was the taking away his free will. Free will is one of the things that separates humans from animals. By removing this Pharaoh was being made into an animal. Share on Facebook

True Brotherly Love

Friday, January 13th, 2023

When Moses arrived back to Egypt his brother, Aaron, greeted him with love and happiness. Aaron was the older brother and had been in Egypt for all the years that Moses was away. Instead of being jealous he was overjoyed for his brother. Share on Facebook

Learning to be a Leader

Wednesday, January 11th, 2023

Moses spent 40 years in Midian before he began his mission to save the Jewish people. Those 40 years were spent learning to be a leader from his father-in-law. Share on Facebook

Know Before Whom You Are Standing

Tuesday, January 10th, 2023

When Moses was at the burning bush he was told to remove his shoes. One of the reasons was that he should stand on rocky ground so that he would feel the pain that the enslaved Jews were feeling. A leader has to understand the pain and suffering of their followers. Share on Facebook

Remember Why We Fight

Tuesday, December 27th, 2022

The fast of the 10th of comes a week after we finish celebrating Hanukah. This is to teach us that the Hasmoneans lost sight of the reason for the war against the Hellenists. Over the generations they became Hellenists. When we lose sight of the goal we lose all. Share on Facebook

Leaders Need a Moral Compass

Wednesday, December 14th, 2022

The reason that Judah became a great leader was that he had a moral compass. And when he was wrong he admitted it. Share on Facebook

Leadership Has to Be Earned

Tuesday, December 13th, 2022

Reuben should have been the leader of the brothers but failed. He meant well but was lacking in judgement. Judah will become the leader due to his judgement. Share on Facebook

The Imperfection of Joseph

Monday, December 12th, 2022

In this week’s portion we see that Joseph is Jacob’s favorite son. Joseph flaunts his status in front of his brothers. He will have to learn humility the hard way. Share on Facebook

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