Archive for the 'Citizenship' Category
Unblemished Offerings
Wednesday, March 9th, 2022פרשת ויקרא / ו’ באדר ב’ תשפ”ב The Torah dictates that the offerings brought in the Tabernacle were to be unblemished physically and spiritually. This means that the animal offerings have to be healthy and that our intentions have to be pure. Also, that the offering cannot be acquired illegally. Share on Facebook
Be A Part of the Community
Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022פרשת פקודי / כ”ט באדר א’ תשפ”ב Every Jew was required to donate to the building and upkeep of the Tabernacle, no matter what their economic status. This is to teach us that we are all a part of the community, and we are all obligated to help. Share on Facebook
Clothes Make the Man
Tuesday, March 1st, 2022פרשת פקודי / כ”ח באדר א’ תשפ”ב The Torah emphasizes the clothing that the High Priest wears while working in the Tabernacle. The reason is not that God needs us to be dressed this way but that the High Priest is a leader. He is God’s representative to the world. Share on Facebook
Be Accountable
Monday, February 28th, 2022פרשת פקוקי / כ”ז באדר א’ תשפ”ב The Torah records that Moses made a full accounting of all the monies received and spent in building the Tabernacle. This is amazing! Shouldn’t Moses be above suspicion with regard to public monies? This is to teach our leaders that it is a good policy to prove that […]
Make Yourself Count
Friday, February 25th, 2022פרשת ויקהל / כ”ד באדר א’ תשפ”ב Every Jew had to donate a half shekel for the upkeep of the Temple. This is to teach us that every person has value. The concept of the upkeep of the Temple also included making sure the roads to Jerusalem were in good shape for those who had […]
Leading by Example
Monday, February 21st, 2022פרשת ויקהל / כ’ באדר א’ תשפ”ב The leaders of the tribes were punished because they hesitated to donate to the Tabernacle. They felt that they would wait and see what would be needed after the people donated. The people donated so much that their donations were not needed. The Torah points out that a […]
Silence is Complicity
Thursday, February 17th, 2022פרשת כי תישה / ט”ז באדר א’ תשפ”ב The entire nation was punished for the sin of the Golden Calf. This is astounding when we realize that it was only a minority that committed the sin. Why was the whole nation punished? To teach us that silence in the face of evil is complicity in […]
The Mosque at Ground Zero
Wednesday, August 18th, 2010In my last blog I mentioned the justification of the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Share on Facebook
The Inconvient Tenth
Friday, August 6th, 2010The Tenth Commandment is one of the most inconvenient that I can think of. Share on Facebook
Some thoughts before a week’s Vacation
Sunday, July 25th, 2010My wife and I are going on a week’s cruise to Bermuda today. Share on Facebook