We Celebrate Wisdom, Not Men

By Shlomo Bar-Ayal ~ October 14th, 2024 @ 7:33 am No Comments »

The Torah is specific in that we do not know where Moses is buried. This was to avoid us praying to Moses. We celebrate his spiritual teachings, not his physical body.

The True Day Of Judgement

By Shlomo Bar-Ayal ~ October 13th, 2024 @ 9:42 am No Comments »

The final judgement is given on Simhat Torah. The reason is it will show if we really meant it when we repented on Yom Kippur.

To Make It A Better Year

By Shlomo Bar-Ayal ~ October 11th, 2024 @ 7:40 am No Comments »

Just as Joshua built upon the foundation laid by Moses, we should learn that we build upon the foundation of those who came before us. As we build we make it better than it was.

We Are A Community

By Shlomo Bar-Ayal ~ October 10th, 2024 @ 7:34 am No Comments »

On Yom Kippur Eve we recite the blessing that we are permitted to pray with criminals. The reason for this is that even though they might be criminals, they are with the community.

Further Reading

We Celebrate Wisdom, Not Men

The True Day Of Judgement

To Make It A Better Year

We Are A Community

We Are Responsible

Modern Day Amelek

What Yonah Teaches Us

Why We Lost The Temple

We Are Being Judged

Treat Your Fellow Justly

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